My worst nightmare ever.
Sunday, May 18, 2008 at 4:33 AM
Helllloooooo~~ So, my worst nightmare happened just yesterday. Full of screamings, hurting and bruises. My throat hurts damn badly at that point of time but it's all over. I don't want to talk about it here. Im sickkkk of it. & i finally broke down, for the very first time about this matter, seriously. Had to meet Samantha and Ali at Parkway today. Im really sorry MY. Im really really sorry :( Jiayou!! Then we discussed our stuff. Happy that things are done. :) Then we went to shoppppp like for our stuff for CMSK1 project, changed my shirt and got my laptop bag! The trip to Giant together was really really fun! Hahhaa. Alicia is really really crazy, I think she really really had her screw untightened lah. She was acting like so retarded-ly. Can't believe it even though I knew her for like 6 years?! hahaha. ALI ALI ALI~
Then went to Grandma's house. Whoaaaa, lots of people lah. Ok, all majong kakis. & really thanks to Fel lah, she wanted us to come to see her play MJ! Im just kidding :) Anyway, glad that Shi Ling and Sammie came! In the end, we all stayed at the second floor and opened our cyber cafe! Haha. The second floor living room became a cyber cafe. Hahah. Everybody using their laptops.
Then at last, Fel finished her MJ and brought us out to eat PRATA which was totally a wrong timing because I was full to the maxxxxxx. I'll miss her alotttt :( With her gone, I think every saturday would be -siannnzzxzzx- but still, Im happy for her! :) Hope that she faster gets back even though she have not left at all! I'll miss her badly! So prata time was funnay, where I met Esther's friends, Gavin and Ende. They are really really funny lah. & I thought they were gay partners due to the piercing on their ears! Hahaha. But anyway, they are not & they are really nice and funny :) I couldn't help but keep laughing by all the lame stuff they came up with! Had a nice time chatting with them and they went off! So the cousins togetherness, we went back home. We stopped by the road and chatted alottt. So i told them the whole nightmare. & they were really amazed lah.
hahahaha. I think by what I did. I think no one would ever dare to do that kind of thing, & I did it. In any way, Im in the wrong because I could have refrain from fighting back and making things worse. I just hope that through that matter, things would become better & that he would understand my point through that nightmare which hurt me really really badly. I just feel like a shattered glass but thank God that I've supportive friends and family! :) Special BIG thank yous to, ALICIA, SAMANTHA, SEBASTIAN, FEL, DIDI, AMELIA, BUDDY & even Gavin and Ende who made me laugh so much although I just felt so miserable. :D Thanks to you all mannnnnnn.
Going to meet Fel, Ju and Est after her graduation day! Can't wait but it will be sending off time because Fel is gg off. :( Buttttt, nevertheless, I shouldn't be upset, it's just 3 weeks! So take care everybody! :D Lots of projects and exams coming up. Gotta finish them up. Fel thanks for the prata treat although I dint eat anything but drank ICE LEMON TEA. :) Nighttttttt~
Some pictures to entertain all of you :) From TODAY'S OUTING (Ali, Sam & ME), CCN DAY, Ali and Me!

Labels: My broken heart